Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Music Videos

Let me preface this with the following video:
Fantastic, no? Okay, then.

If you couldn't glean from the title or the previous video what this entry's topic is, it's music videos. And I'm a little crushed by the fact that you needed it to be stated abruptly like that. In particular, today's discussion will be on history's fantastic music videos. I just that Cracked TV is hilarious. On that note, what happened to Michael Swaim? I miss him. Sorry, I rambling again. Without further ado, let's begin.

As you're probably aware, musical groups have recently begun to create little videos to accompany their delightful music. Some of these videos are fantastic, some are nightmarish horrors of terribleness, and others are just completely nonsensical.

All of history's greatest music videos originated in a mysterious time period known as the '80s. Not much is known about the '80s. It remains a mysterious time, one shrouded in peculiarities, and its people hidden behind potential-neck-trauma-sized hairdos. I have spent little time researching this time period, and have created a short list of exactly one video that illustrates a proper music video. Now, I'd like to remind you that this is only my opinion. My expert opinion, sure, but still just my opinion. Your's may differ, your opinion would be wrong, but it could absolutely be different the expert.

Not only is the song ear-meltingly fantastic, but the video is definitely fantastic as well. The creativity behind it was, and still is, unbelievable. It mixes animation and film on a level not seen until Who Framed Roger Rabbit hit theatres. This can definitely be attributed to the weirdness of the decade in which it originated.

Now let's contrast that with a terrible music video:

Now, I just may be a bitter, jaded internet user, but I hate this video. Even posting it here has gotten my blood to a boil. Countless times I've clicked on a link expecting to see something of interest, a new trailer, only to have this abomination appear. You can't react quickly enough. The intro plays every time, and you catch a glance of Rick, and you have the strongest desire to punch his teeth down his throat.

Music videos have only gotten worse over time. Their lyrics, too. Now I'll leave you with the worst of all time. Rebecca Black's Friday. Enjoy.

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